Posted by Fantasized emotions appearing real

im in a fix now.. never been like this before..people around me seem to be nice and loving..but sometimes i just feel they are just bodies who can move and talk but fake it all! they are not their true selves at times .. this scares me..
i have started feeling that other bodies around me have started controlling my life.. its like if they are not there my life would me meaningless! but i want to prove it wrong!!! im desparate to prove it wrong for it s ruining my happyness!! i know those bodies are petty things in my life but they do create a gr8 impact in me! they come into the boundary of my life like a crawling baby but grow to become a "bhyanak bhoot"and start controlling my thoughts and feelings!
some bodies are worse! they are like dusts in strong winds! they come..irritate us and leave!! i am not living for those dust particle to irritate me. id rather prevent myself from those IRRITATING DUSTS! PAH!
and yeah... some are damn cute..but silent killers! they are the ones who observe you and silently harass you! i hate them!
i dont know.. when i started writing this post the only thing my mind was.. who is controllin me.. is it the external bodies around me ..or is it my own self!!?!
according to me it is both..but a major part is controlled by the external bodies..i dont want that to happen to me.
i wanna control my own life.
im gonna try hard not to let others hurt me..others control me..others bother me.. others irritate me..
im gonna live my own life in happiness!!